Listed by Duotrope
a peer-reviewed quarterly journal on literature
E-ISSN 2457-0265
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Scholarly Article
Dr. K V Raghupathi
Why Gandhi Matters?
Triple virtues, Truth, Ahimsa, Satyagraha, morally and spiritually strong
The talk/paper dispassionately examines Gandhi’s greatness and why he matters now much more than he had been in his times while he was alive. Even seventy years after his death, Gandhi is the cynosure of everyone in the world. He has been “beloved” of historians, biographers, political thinkers and post-colonial interlocutors. He is a delight for psychoanalysts, economists and philosophers. Scores of books besides hundreds and hundreds of research articles and theses have been written on him, his philosophy and relevance. There is not a single university in India that has not established centres on Gandhian studies. The author of this paper affirms with conviction and authority that his triple virtues, adherence to Truth, non-violence (ahimsa) and satyagraha had made him extraordinarily unique and morally and spiritually strong. It is this strength of character and his constant experimenting with Truth in his life that must warrant us to look at him as different and relevant to the changing times in the world.
About the Author(s)
Dr. K. V. Raghupathi, a PhD holder in English Literature, writes in English. He is a poet, short story writer, novelist, book reviewer and critic. He takes the readers on the spiritual exploration of radical philosophical thoughts which strongly speak through all the collections. He has taught at three different universities, S.V.University, Tirupati, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, and the last being Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur before he had a quit to devote fulltime to writings. His other passions include classical Karnatic music and Yoga. He began writing seriously in 1985. Since then he has published twelve books in English Verse, two novels, two collections of short stories and four books on Yoga, besides edited seven critical works. His poems and short stories, besides highly scholarly papers have appeared in various newspapers like The Hindu, The Statesman, Print journals and on-line journals.
He is a recipient of several awards that include Michael Madhusudhan Dutt Award, Kolkata in 2001, H.D.Thoreau Fellowship, Dhvanyaloka, Mysore in 2000, the best chosen poet for 2003, Poetry Society of India, New Delhi Poetry Chain, Mumbai, Life Time Achievement Award, Chennai Poetry Circle, Chennai in 2010, and Rock Pebbles National Award for creativity, 2014, Bhubaneswar and Phrasal King Arbind Choudhary National Award for Poetry, Mahatama Gandhi Education and Welfare Society, Parbhani, Maharastra; and two awards in Yoga, Best Yogic Publication of the Year Award, 2018, and Lifetime Achievement Award in Yoga, 2018, New Delhi.