Listed by Duotrope
a peer-reviewed quarterly journal on literature
E-ISSN 2457-0265
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Scholarly Article
Gh Hassan Wani
INA’s Model of Inclusive Nationalism and Its Relevance in Contemporary India
Freedom Movement, Inclusive Nationalism, INA
India, the land of perennial wisdom remained British colony for a long period. She had to fight a strong struggle for her independence from the British rule. While fighting British rule, Indian intelligentsias since the beginning of freedom movement were much concerned about free India. They in this effort put forth different socio-politico-economic models, both utopians and practical about Independent Bharat. However, to find a perfect socio-political model suitable for diversified Indian society, eternally gifted with various regions and religions, cultures and sub-cultures, Varna’s and castes, was a very difficult task. This concern grew more seriously during first half of 20th century. Fortunately, Azad Hind Fauj and its visionary leadership also devised and practiced some standard ideals of nationalism, unity and harmony. These ideals later evolved into pragmatic models of unity and harmony, thereby paving the way for independence. These models were not conceptual or utopian but practical; and practiced both in west and in east by true nationalists of Azad Hind Fauj. This piece of research will therefore, explore and analyze I.N.A.’s Model of Inclusive Nationalism and it relevance in contemporary India.
About the Author(s)
The writer is a research scholar at Indira Gandhi Centre for Freedom Struggle Studies, School of Social Sciences, New Delhi, India. He may be contacted at wanihassan1@gmail.com