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Scholarly Article

Sohini Ghosh

Jungle Cats and the Anthropomorphic Ambiguity in the Short Stories of Ruskin Bond

anthropomorphism, anthropocentrism, representation.


Human culture has witnessed myriads of attitudes towards the fast vanishing tribe of jungle cats all around the world. Each representation has brought with itself an anthropomorphic appropriation ascertaining the anthropocentric instincts of the human, the possessor of superior culture and of language. Is it truly possible to evade one’s unconscious anthropomorphic instincts in the representation of jungle predators? In the light of this question I attempt to analyse in this paper the representation of the wild predator animals, in the short stories of Ruskin Bond.

About the Author(s)

Sohini Ghosh is a State Aided College Teacher (SACT) in the Department of English of Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith, Birati, Kolkata, with ten years of teaching experience at the same place. After Graduating from Lady Brabourne College with English Honours, she had completed her Masters from Presidency College in the year 2009. She has specialised in Children’s Literature and she completed her M.phil from Rabindra Bharati University, her area of research being Comics and Graphic Novels. She has qualified NET in 2019. She has also been teaching Communicative English at British Institutes as a Guest Lecturer since 2016. Her special areas of interest are Children’s Literature, Graphic Novels, Indian Theatre and Victorian literature. Apart from being a literary enthusiast she is also interested in writing poetry and in musical performances.

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