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Publication Ethics

Erothanatos tries to uphold scholarly publication ethics as far as possible. Our journal encourages all the scholars to bring forth new ideas of research and reveal new horizon of research ability. 




While submitting an article, the author should have the  responsibility of the following publication ethics:


  • The submitted content is an original research work of the author(s).

  • The article has been submitted by the author(s) with the intention to be published in Erothanatos.

  • The content or any part of it has been submitted nowhere else to be published in time of submitting to Erothanatos and during the process of reviewing it. 

  • The content is redundant. The author must not resubmit any article if it was earlier rejected. However, the author may do so if he/she is requested to do so after the necessary corrections and changes.


The authors must not submit more than one article for publication in a single issue unless the submitted one is rejected and the author is said to submit another.





Erothanatos accepts submissions which have not been submitted anywhere else. So, during the review process any type of submission should not be sent anywhere else for publication. If any author does so, he/she may be blacklisted and no more submission may be accepted from the author.


The contents submitted to our journal are considered to be intellectual property. Nobody should exploit or misuse such intellectual property.


Any content, even it is already published, may be rejected and removed from the website if it violates the publication ethics of our journal.





We hate plagiarism. Authors must not use any content like phrase, sentence, figure, image, and ideas without proper permission/citation. In case any article is found to have been plagiarised before or after the publication, the author will be blacklisted and the article will be rejected and removed instantly.




Peer Review Process

Erothanatos is a peer reviewed journal. The reviewing process is double blind, that is, we always conceal the identity of both the reviewers and the author from both parties. The Editors follow the code of conducts and the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.


The Editor(s) should decline a submission if 

  • the submission is plagiarised.

  • the submission contains a nearly similar idea in another submission which was earlier published.

  • the author has not followed the MLA Style of writing.

  • the submission contains improper or insufficient citations.

  • the submission contains citation manipulation and falsification or distortion of data.

  • the submission contains any racial, linguistic, gender, political or regional bias.






Erothanatos always tries to be perfect and uplift the quality of the contents. So, the authors may request for any change in the article(s) already published to enhance the quality of the article. However, the General Editor is free reject the request if the request is not effective and violates the publication ethics of our journal.





Conflict of Interest

Erothanatos always tries to maintain transparency in publication. So, authors and editors are requested to avoid any form/type of conflicts of interest.



  • Authors should be careful of any kind of conflict of interest (financial, promotional, political, or honorary). Any such conflict must be resolved by the author sending the journal Editor the Conflict of Interest document agreed to and signed by other author(s)/parties involved here.



  • Editors of our journals are also requested to avoid such conflict of interest while maintaining the  integrity of our publication ethics and develop the journal.


  • Any conflict which cannot be resolved by the author and the Editors will be resolved by the General Editor of Erothanatos and take appropriate measure (i.e. reject or remove the content).





Copyright and Licensing

Unless any special issue is priorly declared to be published in Book Form with ISBN, the authors publishing any content in our journal retain the copyright, that is, the author retains the right to re-publish the content in any other form like printed book, ebook, kindle book, etc mentioning Erothanatos as the original source of the content and with proper citation if required. But any content must not be re-published, even submitted, in other journal(s) either printed or online.


     However, the contents may be distributed, quoted and used for academic purposed and must not be distributed or used for commercial purposes.





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