Listed by Duotrope
a peer-reviewed quarterly journal on literature
E-ISSN 2457-0265
Erothanatos accepts only electronic submissions through submission form as *.docx file. The authors may send a pdf as well for tracking the original copy of the submission. The authors need to declare with their submission that the attached submission(s) is/are sent nowhere else to be considered for publication in other journals or by other publishing agencies.
The submissions are received throughout the year. However, any contribution submitted after the deadline of some particular issue will be automatically carried forward for the next issue.
Scholarly Article
Format: MLA (9th Edition)
2500-5000 words, including notes and references.
Heading, Sub-Heading, Chapter Title, and Section may be in Bold Font.
Paragraph Alignment may be justified.
Authors are requested to include the following in the format of their articles:
Full Title with subtitle, if any.
An abstract of the article of about 200 words.
Send a short Bio (250 words) of the writer mentioning institution attached and published books (if any).
If any quotation or note is written in some language other than English, please provide the meaning in English in the footnote/ endnote.
Critical/Argumentative/Reflective Article
Word-limit: 1000-3000 words
The articles should be well relevant to art and literature, literary theory, writer or artist.
Send a short Bio (250 words) of the writer mentioning institution attached and published books (if any).
Book Review
Word-limit: 1000-1500 words
The reviewed book should be published within two years.
Send a short Bio (250 words) of the reviewer mentioning institution attached and published books (if any).
Poets are requested to submit at least 4 (maximum 8) unpublished poems to be considered for each issue.
Each poem should begin in separate page with the title in bold and in 12 font size.
Do not italicise titles.
Main contents should be in Normal 11 font size. Do not italicise unless necessary.
All contributions should be in Times New Roman.
At the end (in a separate page) add a short bio (250 words) of the poet mentioning published books (if any).
Erothanatos will publish poems of 10 poets (maximum) in each issue excepting any special issue of poetry.
General Rules
File Types: docx
​Language: English
How to Submit
Please submit your article
Submission Fees
There is no submission fee for submitting articles, essays, book reviews, and poems. However, for DOI and other post-submission works a small amount of processing fee may be charged.​