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Listed by Duotrope
a peer-reviewed quarterly journal on literature
E-ISSN 2457-0265
From the Editor
Scholarly Articles
Arpita Sardar
Myriad Shades of Love in the Challenging Times of Covid-19 Pandemic
Anindita Sarkar
Where Angels Fear to Tread by E. M Forster in the Mirror of Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Jagari Mukherjee
The Unhappy Union of Gender and Marxism: A Study with Reference to Leo Tolstoy's Resurrection
Kunal Kumar Halder
Dissecting Masculinity in the Harry Potter Series and The Hunger Games Trilogy
Namrata Chowdhury
The Culinary Sub-Text in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘When Mr. Pirzada Comes to Dine’ in Interpreter of Maladies
Pratiti Shirin
Like a Lost Route in a No-Man’s Land: Dilruba Z. Ara’s Journey into the Psyche of the Expatriate
Rocco A. Astore
Deus sive Natura: Asserting the Spinozist View of Substance over that of the Cartesian
Shatarupa Mishra
Tenability of Colonial Moulds in the Posthuman Body:
A Study of the Grotesque in Stevenson vis-à-vis Avant-Garde Cinema
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