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Scholarly Article

Vighnesh Hampapura

Diversity in Our Own Terms

anglicisation, translation, foreignisation, marginalization.


This part-research paper and part-reflective piece is a response to the work of Lawrence Venuti, who advocates resistant and foreiginising methods of translation, as opposed to fluent Anglophone translations. Foreignising translations are supposed to control ethnocentric violence and thus promote democracy, subsequently aiding in true diversity. Considering the practice and theory of Gayatri Spivak, who seems to have produced such translations, I argue that diversity is maintained because her methods attend to the specificities of the text rather than to the language. I further posit that text-specific analyses of translations will educate us of the diversity of our texts and their stakes, as well as the diversity of translation strategies that open wide the theoretical framework of translation to different possibilities. In the second part of the essay, I illustrate the previous thesis with the example of the English translation of the Holocaust memoir, Night

About the Author(s)

Vighnesh Hampapura is an undergraduate of English literature and creative writing at Ashoka University, India. His prose and poetry have been published in Erothanatos, Spark – The National Magazine, Kahale, and Kannada Prabha. He is currently working on a translation of the short stories of Vasudhendra, a writer-activist of Karnataka.

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